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    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2008
    My DH is getting more and more demanding. All he thinks of is sex and he wants me to be a willing partner and I just cannot respond to his demands and expectations. He just got mad because I refused and he starts putting me down and getting nasty. I'm still waiting for the Risperdal med to arrive and it will be none too soon. I want to put it in his pill box before I leave for my sisters house on Monday, I think. I was suppose to go this Wednesday but he had an appt. I figure it will be in his system by time I get back and I emailed his daughter that his dr. said he is suppose to take it and was suppose to for the last 2 months.
    He is just being so unreasonable and grabs me and probes me and when I tell him to stop, he says'Now that didn't hurt did it?' He is never satisfied and he would do it all day if he could. A few months ago he wasn't this demanding and we only did it occasionly and he had trouble even getting an erection. Now he is like a horny 17 year old on his honeymoon. Some people may think that would be nice but it gets old fast and I feel no affection for him. I don't mind caring for him but this is bad and I'm afraid he'll get too mad when I refuse sometime. He gets offended so easily and it is getting worse.
    I know I have to handle it myself and call authorities if he gets so mean that I can't handle it. Its just that jail is not for him and I don't want to do that to him.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2008

    First of all, hypersexuality is part of AD, but instead of me writing about it here, I am going to take your post and put it in one of the existing sexuality discussions. I am putting it under "sex life questions", because I think you will find the most relevant responses in that particular discussion. There are 3 other discussions related to sex that you can read by going to the top of this page, clicking "search", writing in "sex", and and clicking the "search" rectangle under that. Anyone who is answering Nancy, please post under "sex life questions". Thanks.

    Also, if you go to the home page -, and click on "articles of interest" on the left side of the website, you will find more on this topic under the heading "Love and Marriage". I recommend reading Rich O'Boyle's Intimacy, Marriage, and Alzheimer's Disease."

    My opinion - if he gets too aggressive to the point of you being fearful of being hurt, call 911, and tell them your husband is an AD patient who is getting violent and needs to be taken to the hosptial.
