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    • CommentAuthorJean21*
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2008
    Would it be safe to give DH the Benadryl? Every morning he gets up blowing his nose and complaining about it. It used to be he complained about his sinuses but now it's just the blowing his nose. I'm thinking he has forgotten about the sinus problem because he he seems to have also forgotten about his stomach problems. I just want to find something he can take to dry up his nose because it is getting REALLY old listening to him complain
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2008
    my DH suffers sinus too daily. he used to take allergy shots before AD. then he just started having rashes from them. i asked the neuro at last visit, and he gav us the ok for 25mg of benedryl. but my DH doesnt take any of the AD meds now either. ask your dr first to make sure nothing interacts with other meds. divvi
    I am interested in that question also because Joan said Tylenol PM was not advised for AD patients. It has .25 of benedryl in it.
    I don't know if is was because of the benedryl combined with the Tylenol or why......
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2008
    Jean 21,

    Before giving any medication, it's best to check with either his primary care or neurologist. I don't take any chances with any meds., even OTC (over the counter).

    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2008
    For what it is worth, when Lynn was on Aricept I was told not to give him benadryl
    I agree Joan, I always ask his doctor before I give him anything.
    • CommentTimeSep 8th 2008
    The Benadyl would probably defeat the purpose of the Aricept
    • CommentAuthorcharlee46
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2015
    I'm so glad I came across this topic. My DH just started Aricept a few days ago, and although I know it takes a while to work, I've noticed a marked decline, especially sleepiness, in him. I'm taking him off benadryl immediately. Looks like Zyrtec is okay since it has no sedatives.
    actually, Zyrtec can also cause sleepiness. I remember a few years ago my wife was "like a zombie". She read in an ad that Zyrtec, which she was taking, could cause this. Stopped Zyrtec and woke up. You might try clariton.
    • CommentAuthorcharlee46
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2015
    Thanks for your input. The clariton sounds good. What about sudafed? Has anybody tried it?
    • CommentAuthormuldi
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2015
    My husband has been on Aricept for over 3 years (doing quite well on it) and he uses Sudafed as needed, but not on a regular basis, with no problems. It is not good for people with any heart problems, tho. Yes, check with doctor's office or call advice nurse.
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2015
    Aerius 5 mgms. is a 24-hour antihistamine I use for sinus problems. It does not raise blood pressure as do some antihistamines, nor cause drowsiness. An added benefit is that it also acts as a decongestant. You would need to check with the doctor or pharmacist if it is compatible with Aricept.