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    ! my once a week caregiver came back from summer vacation with her kids. I had 4 (FOUR) hours by myself. I had no list, for a change.
    I ended up getting a free make-up do at the Estee Laudee counter in the Mall. Plus a sample of their scents. Great pick-me-up.!

    She entertained husband, took him for a ride in the golf cart and to pick up pears. He interacted great with her and she with him.!!!!Have her scheduled for next week and hopefully every week.

    Anyone else want to share????
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    Ya' know. A makeover would be really fun about now. I'm envious!! :)
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    That is fantastic! I am truly happy for you :)
    I am getting little breaks as well, and Lord the difference it has made!
    I have never had a makeover, sounds like fun
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    Nikki, I thought I was the only woman in the world who had never had a makeover. And it does sound like fun. One of these days...
    I've never ha a makeover or a manicure. One of these days I will have a pedicure. Sounds like the ultimate luxury.
    bluedaze, I have been thinking about having a pedicure but I don't think I can stand all that relaxation. I have had the manicure and it chipped in 2 days, the pretty long nails and I was allergic to the glue or something, it made me nasuated. Love those pretty nails.
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2008
    My step-daughter will be vacationing in our area. When she asked when woud be a good day to visit, I jumped at the chance and told her of the Ladies Luncheon I wanted to attend. She thought I was inviting her. Wrong. I said that would be a wonderful time for her to spend the day with her Dad. This will be the first time I have had a break in two months. Boy, Am I looking forward to it.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2008
    Yesterday I had a dear friend join me for lunch while G was playing a short golf game. I asked if he could find lunch somewhere else, and he did. He even called before coming home to see if it would be too soon. Came home and went into a different room so my bud and I could talk. Now, there are times when any or all of that would not be a possibility, but it was yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed by me. Day by day.
    Tomorrow I have a 4 hour reprieve from caregiving. Lady I have is coming in the morning. I have nothing on a schedule. Not much to do around here except go to the Mall or Library, so will likely do that. Just thinking about getting in the car with no list sounds soooooo

    DH enjoys her company so he actually asked me what I was going to do tomorrow and I told him the Mall and Library. He said the Mall made him nervous - I would probally spend money. He is right.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2008
    Imohr, oh how nice! do enjoy yourself and you deserve something from the mall!!! how bout a manicure or to the hairsalon after the library?? i have my 4hrs on friday and i love it too. i feel so liberated as i get into the car and just drive away...hahaha!!! it all comes back to soon and the 4hrs isup. back to reality..divvi
    Had a great 4 hours today. No list, just drive until I wanted to stop someplace. The weather is dry here and in the 60's, just a little chilly. Will take DH in the morning to Mc for our iced coffee and breakfast. He looks forward to that.
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    I'm glad you got some time to yourself! That is so important:)
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2008
    On Friday I'm taking the transit center and then walk 1/2 mile to the mall. I need to pick up a baby present. Then I'm going to buy myself some new house slippers and a pair of walking shoes. I may also get myself some new nail polish. Then, I'll walk the 1/2 mile back uphill to the transit center and catch the bus home. I'll be gone about 2 hrs. I can't wait. A person could go stircrazy if they stay in the house too long.
    Mawzy, right on. Hope you have a great day.
      CommentAuthorchris r*
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2008
    I had an old friend in for coffee the other day, while Dick was asleep. She even brought over his favorite pastry, and he was delighted when I showed him. It was funny becasue I thought he was sleeping, but he was embarrassed to come out. Afraid he wouldn't remember who she was, so he was in his office, on the sofa, all that time. About 2 hours, but it was so pleasant, just to talk about what was going on in church, etc. today, I have another friend coming over to talk about orchids. She's my orchid doctor, and I'm getting ready to bring them all in, you never know when a frost will suddenly hit. I get somerelaxation taking care of my plants, it's mindless in a way, but yoncentrating on the plants gives me a break from anything else, and I can truthfully say, I'm doing the plants when DH gets lonely, from not seeing me for a few minutes.