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    • CommentAuthorlongyears
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2008 edited
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    Thank you for the catalog suggestion. I've got a few that come to him that I need to do something about. I've tried the online opt out site, but they have ignored that one. Next time one of these arrives, I'm doing what you suggest. I'll see how that works.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    There is an easier way to eliminate It is sooo slick!It takes a few minutes to go thru them, but the first time I got rid of several, but if you have the catalog in hand with all the info it is fast and efficent. Our mailperson loves us now!
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    kathi, that is a great site, but the catalogs I'm trying to get rid of totally ignored my attempt through that site. In one case I emailed their customer service through their web page and got no response. The email attempt did work with another catalog company, so I know that there are companies that will respond. At this point I'm willing to try anything.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    I guess I have just been fortunate as I have yet to find one that won't respond. Beside the obvious annoyance factor, I see the mounds of slick paper that doesn't recycle. Of course, being a true Oregonian, we claim to be the "greenest" state of all :-)
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    That catalog tip is the next thing on my list. I've got a long list. I love crossing stuff off--with a red felt pen! Makes me feel really good and like I'm accomplishing something.
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008 edited
    Kathi37--Washington State is really the greenest in the nation. :) You knew that didn't you? You should see the stack of stuff here. I recycle all the time and it still piles up. There's no end to it. I just hope the pile doesn't fall on me. I'll suffocate before I could dig myself out. (ha ha)

    Also, my compost pile needs turning again. Can't wait for my grandson to come back so he can do it for me. Lovely boy. Love him! And he plays card with DH during his lunch break. They have a lot of fun! And I'm glad to see it. He loves the boy. and keeps telling me what a good kid he is. That's wonderful.
    • CommentAuthorkathi37*
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    Hey Mawzy, we can share the green title! Wouldn't I just love to have my G-boys close enough to put them to work!
    • CommentAuthorMawzy*
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2008
    Those kids are the joy of my life. And, they know how wonderful I think they are. And, every one of them, all 10 of them, have asked me if they are my favorite. "Am I your favorite Grandma?" I always tell them the same thing. "You are my favorite Joshua." You are my favorite Andrew." etc. How funny. I plan on writing each of them a private personal letter to be given to them after I pass. Each letter will tell them "Joshua, you really were my very favorite because you have always been so spiritual." "Andrew, You really were my very favorite because you have always been such a fair person and such a good sport." I'll tell each of the 10 they were really my fav and why. I think kids always need affirmation and they love to hear why you love them.

    Naturally, they will have to tell the others, "See, I was Grandma's favorite." It will be a really good joke when they all find out they got the same letter and Grandma did it again.

    I read about a woman in the Reader's Digest years ago that did something like that with her kids. I thought it was a pretty good joke and I'm going to do it. Just wish I could be there to see the expressions on their faces when they realize what I'd done.

    But, I'm talking too much. Catch you all later.
    • CommentAuthorcarewife
    • CommentTimeSep 4th 2008 edited
    Thank you Long Years for the website to cancel offers for credit cards and insurance. I have sent in my husband's name and mine so I won't have to spend time keeping my identity info private by destroying unwanted mail.You all on the forum are a treasury of knowledge on so many things!!!
    • CommentAuthorKadee*
    • CommentTimeSep 5th 2008
    Thank you Longyears for the websites. After my recent experience I will be checking them out.
    Does anyone know how to stop those blank checks your credit card company keeps mailing you. I guess going paperless, but I am not sure I am ready for that yet. Anyone have paperless?
    I called customer service at the credit card company and told them to stop sending the checks. It took a couple of months, but they got stopped
    I do all banking on line/ my Visa card is also from my bank. Couldn't be easier or safer. When I was getting statements nothing I ver tried to avoid those checks