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How many of you have seen the latest Aricept commercial in which a sweet looking elderly man, accompanied by his wife, greets his granddaughter in the airport, and calls her by the wrong name ? The implication, as in most media portrayals of Alzheimer’s Disease is that it is a disease in which the afflicted person is basically the same as he/she has always been, but now is somewhat forgetful and confused. He takes Aricept, his memory improves a bit, and his confusion lessens. End of story. That is not the end of the story, as we all know. I realize it is a 30 second commercial trying to sell a product, thus the necessity for brevity to get across the point that the medication they are selling can improve AD symptoms. I do not expect a commercial to include a lecture on the true nature of Alzheimer’s Disease.

However, I believe that one of the reasons for lack of resources for respite programs, day care programs, in home assistance, as well as research, is the public’s ignorance of the truth about  the actual devastation and destruction this disease brings to patient and family . I saw and heard it myself when I attended the Washington, DC forum. No one really understands what Alzheimer’s Disease is.

Our message boards are filled with stories of spousal anguish at the destruction AD has wrought on their marriages by turning their once vital, intelligent, kind, loving, husbands and wives into angry, rage filled, confused, irrational, judgment impaired children. The disease robs the personality, cognition, and abilities from the afflicted. And that is in the earlier stages. The “well spouse” finds themselves living with a stranger who does not understand directions, conversation, information, a person with whom the emotional bond of marriage has been lost.  Eventually, they are caring for an adult who requires the same physical care as an infant. This the public does not know nor see.

The media sugar coats the nature of Alzheimer’s Disease by showing it is as smiling spouses cutting up their husbands/wives food, putting their feet up on an ottoman, and reminding them to take their pills. For once, I would like to see a true grit documentary of tantrums, public urination, paranoia outbursts, fearful screaming rants at shower time, dirty diapers, marital destruction.

When a famous person is diagnosed with the disease (i.e. Ronald Reagan/ Charleton Heston), the public sees the person as healthy, strong, and smiling. Then they disappear. Nothing is heard again until they die. Yes, I understand the desire for privacy, and the fact that their wives did not want the public to see their husbands ravaged by Alzheimer’s Disease, but it is my feeling that by hiding the cruel truth, Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Heston missed an opportunity to educate the public about the disease. And let’s not forget Eunice Kennedy Shriver, whose husband has been suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease for more years than I can remember. His daughter, Maria Shriver, writes books and speaks about understanding Grandpa’s forgetfulness, but never a word from Mrs. Shriver. Sandra Day O’Connor had the courage to speak up and give the world a glimpse of the real Alzheimer’s Disease.

Why am I so focused on displaying the truth to the public? Let’s face it. It’s all about money. No one anywhere is going to be motivated to provide the funding for the assistance caregivers need if they are not slapped in the face with the disgusting truth.

Today I am recording a session for a radio show to be broadcast on Sunday morning, July 13th at 6 AM in the Pennsylvania area on stations WDSY, WBZW, and WZPT. I intend to do my best to educate the listeners that Alzheimer’s Disease is a TOTAL BRAIN DESTRUCTION DISEASE, and exactly what that means to patient and caregiver alike, especially spouses.

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