Many of you have expressed frustration and sadness over the loss of friends as the disease progresses. Friends stop calling, stop coming over to visit; stop socializing with you and your spouse. On the message boards, I expressed anger over this cruel development, one we certainly don’t need as we lose the companionship of our spouses. Then I started thinking about why it happens, and, as is always my goal on this website, tried to analyze the situation and to look for solutions (or acceptance, if there are no solutions) to the problem.
- Friendship is a relationship, similar to marriage. You choose your friends based upon mutual interests and compatibility. Friends meet our emotional needs in ways different than spouses. We can complain to them about our jobs; the annoying habits of our spouses when they were healthy; and they understand and relate; we can share childrearing difficulties; we can go places with a “girl” friend that do not interest our spouses; The guys can go places with their “guy” friends that do not interest us wives. We can all go places together that interest all of us. Friendship is often fluid and changing – we may remain “in touch” with lifelong friends, but as we physically move to other areas, and developmentally and emotionally move on in our lives, we development friendships with new people who meet our needs at a particular time. As adults, often these friendships last 20 and 30 years or more. These are the people we never expect to let us down and abandon us when AD strikes.
. Maybe you and your friends enjoyed motorcycling together; maybe you were the intellectual chess playing types; maybe you couldn’t wait to get together and go boating together. Maybe you just hung out and were couch potatoes together in front of the TV. It doesn’t matter what your interests were – you enjoyed them together as friends.
- Alzheimer’s Disease slowly erodes your spouses’ ability to engage in these activities with friends. If “Joe” can no longer ride a motorcycle, guess what? You and Joe are not going to be called to join in on a motorcycle ride. If “Bill” no longer has the mental capacity for chess, guess what? You and Bill are out of the chess club.
Losing this comradeship and mutual enjoyment of friends’ company in activities is difficult, but understandable. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT????
- Cultivate friendships with people in your Support Group – Remember – friendships are fluid – we make friends based on mutual interests and ability to meet each others’ emotional needs. There is a comfort level here that you will never have with your other friends, no matter how many years you had enjoyed the friendship. There is patience for the slow processing and speaking of the AD spouse; there is support and understanding among the AD afflicted for the problems they are each experiencing; there is support and understanding among the spouses and the challenges they are facing. There is humor that only we caregivers and spouses can appreciate.
We have established the fact that you and your friends can no longer enjoy mutually satisfying activities together. But what is the excuse for not offering emotional support in the way of a phone call; an offer to run an errand for you; an offer to go out for coffee with you, the caregiver; an offer for the guy friend to take his AD afflicted “friend” out for a walk?
- In my opinion, there are no excuses. Explanations, maybe, but no excuses. So here are the time-worn explanations:
- People feel uncomfortable – I say – want to feel uncomfortable? Try losing a spouse piece by piece to Alzheimer’s Disease.
- People don’t know what to say. I say – Get over it. Pick up the phone and ask your friend what you can do for them.
- People are uninformed about the disease – I say – This is the 21st century – ever hear of the Internet? Find out about this terrible disease that has afflicted your friend.
Of course, your friends aren’t reading this – you are. You can choose to bring up the above issues with your friends in a quiet, non-threatening, helpful, informative manner, OR NOT. Ultimately, as all the psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and self-help gurus tell us, there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTIONS – YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE YOUR OWN RESPONSE TO THEM. SO – MOVE ON AND CULTIVATE FRIENDS IN YOUR SUPPORT GROUP.
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©Copyright 2007 Joan Gershman
The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.
The Alzheimer Spouse LLC 2009 All Rights Reserved