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To those of you who have been reading my Blogs and the Message Boards this week, you know it has not been the best week in our AD history. That monster lurking beneath the surface – THE DRIVING ISSUE – has caused monumental stress, anxiety, and deep pain on both sides of the fence. CLICK HERE and HERE and HERE for the previous Blogs on driving.

Thank goodness for my blood pressure, we have reached a truce of sorts. We have agreed to put it in the hands of the neurologist on Monday.

We spouses live with constant stress and turmoil, and sometimes we just hit a wall and have to find respite. I ran smack into my wall this week, so I have decided I need to try to have as calm a weekend as possible. I had a massage yesterday afternoon, which went a long way toward kneading the stress out of my body. This morning I am going into Town Square to stand in line for next month’s Beach Boy concert tickets; get a manicure; and come back home to make a lasagna
 for Super Bowl Sunday A friend from the neighborhood is coming over to watch the game with Sid. Since I am not a football gal ( Baseball – YAY RED SOX- is my game),  I am going to curl up on a lounge on my patio with a good romantic thriller novel, and there I will sit, while Sid and his friend are in the den cheering for their beloved Patriot’s. (We did live in the Boston area for 36 years!)

To all of you who live with stress every single day, I hope you too will be able to find some tranquility  this weekend.

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