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I have been feeling quite under the weather the past few days, so please forgive me for not writing a regular Blog today. Instead of writing separate announcements and notices of special events, I am just going to put them all together here. I am going to the doctor this morning, and then I will go back to bed and try to rest off or sleep off whatever bug has been dragging me down.

1. HBO Documentary I have been in contact with one of the producers of the HBO specials on Alzheimer’s Disease. Quoting from her e-mail, the plans are as follows: HBO is doing four films on the subject of Alzheimer's …….One film is devoted to the medical, scientific components of the disease.  Another one to caregivers, including spouses and the impact on the marriage, family, finances etc. The third film is covering actual patients as they make their way through this journey and the fourth film, as you know, focuses on the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in families with Alzheimer's.  EOAD is being covered in all these films.” 
According  to the e-mail from my social worker: “RIGHT NOW THEY ARE LOOKING FOR FAMILIES WITH
children age 7-14 who are dealing with their 
grandparents or great-grandparents who have Alzheimer's.  They will be interviewing in the near future, depending on what state the families live in.  Anyone interested in participating, contact

However, I informed the producer of my concerns related to spousal issues, and she has promised to bring both my concerns and this website to the attention of the other producers.

2. I will be appearing on another conference panel – Oh my, I do not know how I let myself get talked into these things, but Sid and I will be guests on a panel at a Caregiver Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida in June. Details to follow as they become available.

3. Project Lifesaver – One of our readers told me about this service. If your sheriff’s department is a participant, the AD patient is fitted with a tracking bracelet, and as soon as they are reported missing, the sheriff’s department puts out an alert, and they can track the missing person via land and air. They have a 100% success rate for finding lost AD patients.  Click these links to learn more.  http://www.projectlifesaver.org/site/

Our reader has been very active in bringing this service to her area, and she shared with me the details and differences between Project Lifesaver and Safe Alert. Please check back later for much more information on how the service works. I am in the process of sifting through all of her e-mails, and I will give you all of the relevant information when I organize it. (After I finish sleeping off this miserable bug.)

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com