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As you know, I try to write Blogs that relate to all of our experiences, but certain ones resonate with readers more than others. A recent one entitled “The Disappearing Conversation” (see last one on this page) was one of those that elicited a more than usual amount of posts and e-mails. This weekend, I would like to share with you, another poem written by one of our readers that addresses her pain and frustration as she struggles with the “Disappearing Conversation” with her beloved AD afflicted husband.


He looks at me pleadingly,
Again he tries to utter the words he so desperately
Wants to convey.
But alas, I cannot decipher what is
In his mind,
His grip on my arm becomes painful as he
Vents his frustration.

He and I have always been almost telepathic in
Our communication,
We have been so close in our thoughts and
could anticipate each other’s words but now…frustration!!….

If  only God would grant us an hour from this
Sad, sad, existence,
And we could communicate our deepest thoughts
Storing up memories to survive the continuing journey that is
Bereft of meaningful communication.,

This wall of jumbled and meaningless sentences will
Continue until my sweetheart becomes mute,
Unable to speak at all.

Oh, God!  Hear my plea!
In your infinite mercy,
Allow us to somehow touch each other’s
Inner being
And persevere in our quest for continuing

I will continue to search for meaningful
And  try to help my dear one maintain connections
With  the world,
But I know that he will continue his descent into
His prison of loneliness.

May this affliction become a divine gift,
Bringing him closer in his spirit to God,
The author and finisher of His beloved son.
I can only pray, “Father, reveal to me the
Reason for this valley of sorrow and give us your
Comfort  as I endeavor  to understand
This  prelude to a final separation with  the one I love.

©2006 Joyce Yates

Please tune in Monday for a Blog that addresses a reader’s unusual and creative, some would consider a bit controversial, method of filling the conversation void.

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com