JOAN’S WEEKEND BLOG – FEBRUARY 23/24, 2008 – HELLO GOVERNMENT, SHOW ME THE MONEY! This is NOT a political site - I consider my political views personal, and I prefer to keep them to myself, however, I think there is a cause we can all agree on and get involved in. We desperately need money for Alzheimer’s research, and as the old, worn out saying goes, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” So let’s start squeaking, squawking, yelling, and be HEARD!!!!! Tony started me thinking about this when he posted a message on our boards about attending a town meeting and speaking to Senator Bill Nelson about Alzheimer’s research and funding. I am challenging all of you to write to your State and Federal senators and congressmen and get the word out about the horrendous physical, emotional, mental, and financial toll this disease takes on sufferer and caregiver. My suggestion would be to go for the heart. (Contrary to popular belief, politicians DO have hearts.) Tell your story as you have told it on the Message Boards – let them hear the pain and anguish of enduring a slow, torturous, living death with your AD spouse. In Alzheimer’s Disease, there is “one degree of separation”. Chances are excellent that the person with whom you are corresponding either knows someone with the disease or knows someone who knows someone with the disease. I can give you three great examples of this: When I called the woman at the Highway Department to find out about the driving laws, she told me that her mother has Alzheimer’s Disease. A few months ago, Sid went into a rage at my next door neighbor’s boyfriend for playing his music too loud. When I came home, the boyfriend told me about the incident, and apologized for the loud music; I told him about Sid’s AD. “Oh, it’s okay, ma’m,” he said to me. “I understand. My grandfather has Alzheimer’s Disease.” My tutoring client’s father owns an insurance agency. I asked him about the laws concerning AD insurance liability , and he told me that his mother-in-law had Alzheimer’s Disease. I cannot figure out how a president of the United States could wage a 10-year battle with Alzheimer’s Disease, and barely a blip was made in calls for funding and research. (Correct me if I’m wrong on that one – maybe I missed the Congressional outcry for research money.) It’s easy to let your voice be heard. Go to, put in your zip code, and the names of all of your Federal and State legislators come up. They have e-mail, so no stamps are needed. The biggest fundraiser of the year is barely 5 weeks away – THE ALZHEIMER'S MEMORY WALK- . I am walking. Please CLICK HERE to sponsor me and help me reach my fundraising goal. Thank you to those who have sponsored me so far. (There are still two of you whose e-mail addresses I do not have, so I was not able to send you a personal thank you note – Hildy and Kathyb – a great big thank you.) So spouses, let’s make some noise! Feedback to |