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Good morning spouses!  I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the features and technology that I am working on behind the scenes here at thealzheimerspouse.com.

  • MESSAGE BOARDS – We have grown so much that more organization is needed. Although I would like to have CATEGORIES, such as FINANCES, EOAD, LONELINESS, ETC., and individual discussion topics under those categories, the software will not allow me to transfer all of your existing comments, AND the categories are not separated as I would like. For those reasons, I am keeping the boards as they are until my contract with my current Host Server runs out in July. HOWEVER, it will help the organization if you CHECK UNDER “SEARCH” BEFORE YOU START A NEW DISCUSSION.  Your discussion may already be listed, in which case, you can just add your comments under that old discussion. I have been trying to move your comments into the proper “discussion” to avoid repetition, but I cannot always keep up with it.  
  • BOOKS I have partnered with to make it easy for you to find the best and most relevant books related to Alzheimer’s Disease or any other book you would like to read. You can either click on the “Featured Book of the Week” on the front page of the website or click on the Amazon Book Store on the left side of the website, and you will automatically be directed to my website’s Amazon account. Every purchase helps keep this site up and running.  
  • ALZHEIMER PRODUCTS – Currently, you can click on the left side of the website, where it says Alzheimer Products, click on the special telephone, and it will take you to that product on Amazon. You can then choose the “health” topic, and write in whatever specialized Alzheimer’s product (i.e. alarm mats for your doorwaysDrive Medical Nonslip Floor Alarm Mat - 1/ Box to alert you to wandering) you are interested in. Actually, you can purchase whatever you want from Amazon while you are there. My son and I are working to make this service easier to use. Your patience is appreciated – he has two full time jobs besides helping me, so it is taking some time to get this all set up.
  • ALZHEIMER NEWS AND ARTICLES – Be sure to check on the front page for the Daily News Updates and click often on the Alzheimer Articles of Interest on the left side of the website – I am always updating it with the most current Alzheimer information. 
  • MY RADIO DEBUT – Please mark March 1, 2008 @ 6:13 PM ET on your calendar. I will be on Jacqueline Marcell’s Internet Radio Show, Coping with Caregiving, discussing Alzheimer’s Disease’s effect on marriage.
  • UPCOMING BLOGS – The Challenges of Being a Male Caregiver of an AD Spouse; Finding Ways to Cope; Dealing with Interference from Relatives.  
  • THE MEMORY WALK – THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE SPONSORED ME FOR THE MEMORY WALK. IF YOU HAVE NOT CONTRIBUTED, PLEASE CONSIDER DOING SO BY CLICKING HERE. – I am very close to my fundraising goal of $1000, and would love to exceed that amount.
  • YOUR TURN – Remember to e-mail me with your suggestions for features and blog topics you would like to see on this website.  

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com