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I asked for “words of wisdom”  from you regarding Friday’s Blog – “Letting Go”(see below) , and you came through for me. My gratitude goes out to all of you. I see from your responses that this is as difficult for you as it is for me. My guess would be it is one of the most arduous and heart breaking tasks we face – “accepting” or “adjusting to” the fact that, no matter how hard we wish, the man/woman we married no longer exhibits the personality characteristics or abilities of that person with whom we shared a lifetime.  

I have to learn to deal with my husband as he is. I have to learn that, most of the time, he will not be able to meet my emotional needs. For me, the only way to get through this is to do as I have been advising from the beginning – ONE DAY AT A TIME. Just handle what the days throws at me, and that’s it.

For now, I need to back away from all of this; I need a breather. In my case, that means a piece of chocolate, a good book, and a lounge chair on the patio (How grateful I am that we moved to Florida when we did – It’s sunny and 80 degrees outside.)

Thank you again for being there to offer support when I need it.

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com