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JOAN’S BLOG – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2007 –AD AND MARRIAGE ISSUES TO THE FOREFRONT - An article by a geriatric physican

My main purpose in developing this website was to give spouses of AD patients a place of comfort to discuss, without shame or guilt, what was in their hearts; a place to discuss what was almost NEVER mentioned in support groups, books, magazine articles, or TV stories on Alzheimer’s Disease – the loneliness; anger; frustration; intimacy issues; loss of companionship; and resentment faced by AD spouses. Because of your support, my goal has been reached and exceeded. Because of the widespread breadth of the Internet, this site has been noticed by physicians, social workers, and counselors who work with AD patients and their spouses.

On Monday, December 24th, I was interviewed by a geriatric physician from New York, who is writing an article for CNN.com, on Alzheimer’s Disease and its impact on marriage. The interview touched on most of the subjects covered in my Blog topics and Message Boards. The doctor felt that this website and our discussions have struck a nerve that has, up to now, been unexposed. We both feel that it is of utmost importance for professionals dealing with Alzheimer patients and their spouses to be aware of our “unique issues”, for it is only in awareness that there can be assistance.

The research for her article must be completed by Monday, December 31st.  She would like to hear from you. If you would like to contribute your thoughts, ideas, or experiences to the article, please e-mail me, and I will forward your name and e-mail address to her. I am not publishing her name and e-mail in this Blog, because I did not ask for her permission to do so. If she gives me her permission before Monday’s deadline, I will publish it on the website’s front page and Message Boards.

Stay tuned this week for information on what is planned for 2008 for thealzheimerspouse.com.

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com