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In the midst of my feeling depressed and sorry for myself, as related in yesterday’s blog, something positive occurred to me. Sid and I are members of Marriott Rewards Program – we accumulate points, and when we have enough, we are able to take a week’s vacation at any Marriott hotel or resort in the world, including airfare. We now have the points to take 7-10 days, but we do not have the luxury of long-term planning. If we want to take a big trip, we should do it soon. Who knows what the coming years will bring in terms of physical and mental health? When I look back to a year ago at this time, I realize that his physical health, in terms of strength and mobility has significantly declined. His mental health is declining, but more slowly.

I want Sid to be able enjoy the sights and experiences of someplace he has never been. No, he will not remember the details after we have returned home, but why should he not have the pleasure of the moment? Admittedly, I am being selfish – I want at least one more adventure we can share together before his memory, behavior, and awareness will no longer allow it.

Realistically, I realize our snorkeling and dolphin swims days are over due to his physical condition. Long tours that require early rising, lengthy bus trips, and quick changes to the next tour, are also out of the question due to his difficulty adjusting to change, his confusion, and his agitation when events move more quickly than his brain can process them.

That means I have to do some research and planning, but the idea has lifted me out of my doldrums somewhat. Although Italy is at the top of my list, I am open to suggestions from readers who have toured with AD spouses.

Feedback to joan@thealzheimerspouse.com