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After you read this, you will probably think I am crazy for calling Wednesday “normal”, but it was fun to do something that we both enjoyed that did not involve an Alzheimer activity.

I am strictly adhering to my policy to keep politics OUT of this website, so the fact that it was a political rally we attended is NOT the issue. What is important is that my AD husband and I had an adventure that was fun for both of us, and we came through unscathed with no AD related incidents.

First, let me say that I am neither a masochist nor a sadist, so I would not have subjected either of us to crowds and heat if he did not express a desire to attend this event. No matter what he says about the anti-depressant not having any effect on him, I am convinced it has not only smoothed out his mood swings, but sparked the desire to get out and be a bit more adventurous.

You would have to figure that being in a crowd of 3,000 people in scorching Florida heat for 3 ½ hours, would cause Sid to be stressed and anxious, ESPECIALLY since more than half that time was spent STANDING on his diabetic feet. He does not like crowds; he does not like sitting in 100 degree temperatures (who does?); and he generally has a very short fuse if events do not run smoothly. Pre Celexa, he would have been angry and impatient about the wait, and extremely short-tempered about the heat, hoards of people, and limited handicapped access.  He would have ended up making a scene, and we would have had to leave.

Instead, we had fun talking to the other people in line, and were able to get seats in the handicapped section, thanks to our friend, who ran ahead, saving them for us. We enjoyed the music, the chanting, and the speeches. The sweat was pouring off of our faces; our clothes were plastered to our drenched skin, but we were having a rousing good time. I cannot remember the last time we were able to enjoy an activity or event without me stressing over him losing control.

In my September 30th blog (see below), I said that I would take one day at a time and try to “enjoy the time we do have together while he is still functional and Celexa-assisted pleasant.” Yesterday was certainly a successful demonstration of that philosophy.

©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman

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