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Last week there was an article from Health Day referenced in the Alzheimer’s Daily News, another in a long line that espouses if we keep our brains and social lives active, we can ward off Alzheimer’s Disease. I did not place it in my Daily News section, because, frankly, I am sick and tired of reading about how stimulating brain exercises and social activities will prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. However, I am bringing it up for discussion this weekend because of a “letter to the editor” sent to the Alzheimer’s Daily News expressing my exact concerns.

You can read the entire article by clicking here, but to summarize, “Cognitive and social activity in midlife may significantly reduce men's risk of dementia, says a U.S. study that followed 147 male twin pairs for 28 years.”

I take issue with all of these studies for two main reasons. First, it is a “blame the victim” mentality. You didn’t read enough; you didn’t study enough; you didn’t do enough crossword puzzles; you didn’t socialize enough. Secondly, just look around you at your spouse and those you know who have Alzheimer’s Disease. I am personally aware of scientists with multiple degrees, engineers who worked in the space industry, airline pilots, teachers, psychologists, judges, lawyers – every one a person who kept their brain active, continued learning throughout their lives, had strong social ties – AND DEVELOPED ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE.

As you are aware, I am not a scientist, and I admit that I do not understand scientific principles as many of our readers who are well versed in that area. So it is just the opinion of this non-scientific lay person, who happens to be surrounded by Alzheimer sufferers in person, that these studies do not represent the majority of our spouses.

Alzheimer’s Daily News only referenced the article and offered the link, so the dissenting “letter to the editor” probably should have gone to the study sponsors. In any case, I am printing it here for your perusal and opinion.

"I am responding to the article in today's Alz Daily News with the title "Active Social Life May Reduce Men's Alz Risk"... Specifically: "The study found that reduced dementia risk was most strongly associated with participation in activities involving home and family, visiting with friends and relatives, club activities (such as attending parties and playing card games), and home hobbies."

I cannot tell you how much "activity" my husband was involved in prior to being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. He was 58 when diagnosed in 2004... he was an avid golfer, card-player, bowler, family man, visitor to his ailing-widowed dad, yard-man, reader of the newspaper from cover to cover, and lovely father to his own children.
This disease knows no boundaries... There is simply no explanation for WHY this disease gets to some but avoids others. Our life is deteriorating rapidly... and I just want to "go back" to how we used to be... but we won't... and that's really a shame and a heartache that we live with daily.
These "studies" can say what they want, but the fact is, there is no explanation for this disease."

Arlington, TX

MESSAGE BOARD TOPIC: Enough with the studies to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman

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