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As you know, I need shoulder surgery on my right shoulder. Yes, I am right handed. Under ordinary circumstances, this surgery – repairing a rotator cuff tear that is deep, long, and right off of the bone is not pleasant, nor does it have an easy recovery under the best of circumstances. In my case, I am caring for my diabetic, Alzheimer Diseased husband, who has two fractured knees, a bad back, is barely able to walk with his walker, and needs to be pushed in a wheelchair when we go out of the house. He counts on me to be his legs as well as his brain. Then there is my father, who resides in the ALF next door, but is also in a wheelchair, is sliding quickly into dementia, and also needs me to be his legs, brain, and care manager.

My main concern with this surgery is the anesthesia. I am sensitive to general anesthesia, and it fogs up my brain. Now, really, considering my brain is doing the job for 3 people (including myself), I don’t think it’s a good idea to mess with it.

To give you an idea of why I need my brain to be in tip top shape, here is a little snippet of my life:

First, I get a phone call from my father:
Daddy:  What month is this?
Joan: The last day of January.
Daddy: When am I going to the dentist?
Joan: Thursday
Joan: No, the baseball game is at the end of February.
Daddy: What month is this?
Joan: The last day of January.
Daddy: Who is taking me to the game?
Joan: The new aide I hired.
Daddy: What month is this?
Joan: The last day of January.
Daddy: I’m confused, aren’t I?
Joan:  Yeah, a bit. I’ll take to you tomorrow. Bye.

Then I turned to my husband and he said to me……………….What month is this?

This is why I would prefer a local over general anesthesia. My brain is sorely needed to be on top of its game. It cannot be in anesthesia fog Unfortunately, the doctor disagreed. During yesterday’s appointment, I asked about the particulars, as in what he was going to do to my shoulder; what type of anesthesia; how long the recovery, etc. If I was not in so much pain that it is wearing me out, I would have canceled the whole thing after I heard the answers. Honestly, I stopped listening to how he was going to repair the shoulder after I heard “screws”  He then explained why he would not do the operation unless I was under anesthesia. His reasoning was sound, including making sure I was completely still, so he could do his job.

Since my sister will be here with me beginning the day before surgery up to 10 days after, I am going to turn over the family brain functioning to her, and hope I come out of the fog by the time she leaves. I suspect that by the time she does leave, she will be marathon running to the airport in order to escape Dementia Land as quickly as possible.

©Copyright 2011 Joan Gershman 
The Alzheimer Spouse LLC
2011 All Rights Reserved
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