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JOAN AND TONY GO TO WASHINGTON! This is just a quick update on my Washington DC trip. Please make sure to check back later in the afternoon for a complete Blog. What I learned and what I will discuss in my upcoming Blogs: #1. Alzheimer’s Disease – misunderstood as a memory disorder – no real understanding of it as a total brain disease, how it really affects the patient, and the emotional impact it has on families and spouses. There was a glimmer of understanding in Senator Martinez’s aide when I talked about the impact the disease has on spouses. He (who was about 23 years old) said that his grandfather had AD, and he saw some of what I was talking about in what his grandmother went through. #2. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING works to get people’s attention like your own personal story. #3. If we want help with funding for programs, services, and research money, each and everyone of us is going to have to work our individual tails off for it. #4. EOAD- no awareness; misunderstood; ignored. Tony is doing a great job in bringing this issue to the forefront. Be sure to tune in later for much more! Feedback to
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