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Once in awhile, just the right forces come together to form “The Perfect Storm” . When that occurs in nature, you end up with a hurricane of catastrophic proportions that destroys everything in its path. That is how I feel today – as if The Perfect Storm by the name of AD roared through my life, and in its wake, left it in total destruction.

I am too wrung dry to go into all of the details today – I need to settle down a bit, but I promise that you will get in depth analysis in a series of Blogs scheduled for the rest of the week. I am sure you will recognize your struggles in much of them. For now, I will just say that a combination of severe communication difficulties, the sale of our second car, complete confusion, and non-recognition of rapidly declining abilities collided, resulting in rage on both sides, and an emotional meltdown on this side.

On Monday, I discussed an anti-depressant for my husband with his neurologist, who said it had to wait until after the drug trial started. Yesterday, I agreed to one-on-one counseling for me with a social worker who specializes in caregiver counseling. It's her job to teach me how to accept all this.

And today, I am going to try to de-stress by going to a Tea Room by the ocean with my support group buddies, while our husbands sit on the pier and fish. Before you think how wonderfully pleasant tea and fishing sound, I must tell you that it wasn’t easy to get my husband to agree to it, and one of the husbands adamantly refused to go. The reasons for their refusals are as convoluted as one would expect from an AD brain.

My apologies for such a vague Blog, and as I said, I do promise details tomorrow, but for now, I am just too drained to deal with it.

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