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October 2008 ARCHIVES:

290. Guest Blog by Dr. Teena Cahill - Reframing Caregiving - October 1, 2008

291. Three Cheers for a Normal Day! - October 2/3, 2008

292. Enough Already With the Articles on Keeping the Brain Active will Prevent Alzheimer's Disease - October 4/5, 2008

293. Can Caregiving for an AD Spouse Actually Reduce Stress? - a follow up to Dr. Teena Cahill's guest blog - October 6, 2008

294. Now I am Frightened - the fear of the future as Sid is dropped from the drug trial - October 8, 2008

295. Alzheimer's Disease and Hope - Can there be something to hope for when dealing with Alzheimer's Disease - October 9, 2008

296. American Express Project - Early Detection Matters - October 10, 2008

297.Documentary Video Starring one of our members - excellent story of Alzheimer's Disease and its effects on family and patient - October 13, 2008

298. Confusion Reigns - He improves; he backslides; he improves - how to adjust to all the changes - October 14, 2008

299. Bob Renshaw's Love Story - October 16, 2008

300. Why are They Still Driving? - Silver Alerts for elderly AD patients who are DRIVING - October 17, 2008

301. Sometimes a Pat on the Hand is All We Can Offer - October 20, 2008

302. A Glimmer of Light Through the Sadness - A salute to the resilience, strength, and courage of all husbands and wives caring for spouses with Alzheimer's Disease - October 21/22, 2008

303. Sid the Plumber - My AD husband wants to fix the toilet - October 23, 2008

304. Respecting the Fears of Our Spouses - Sometimes their strange demands are simply their way of expressing fear - October 24-26, 2008

305.Betty Weiss - Early Detection - article by author and message board member - October 27, 2008

306. The Tragedy of AD - We are left with appreciating the earlier stages - Will we long for the repetitive questions when there is silence? -October 28, 2008

307.Living in an Evil Fog - What it is like to live with Alzheimer's Disease by David and Elizabeth Howe - October 29/30, 2008

308. EOAD (Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease)Spouses- Their extra burden - the plight of the children - lots of resources for helping children through the AD journey - October 31, 2008


©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman










The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.



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