Alzheimer Hot Line


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679. Shared Memories Disappearing - As my husband loses the memory of significant parts of our life together, I feel as if I am losing the life I shared with him - May 2/3, 2011

680. My Big Mistake - Will I ever learn not to try to reason with my AD husband? - May 5/6, 2011

681. More Conversations from Dementia Land - Only an Alzheimer Spouse would believe these non sensical conversations - May 7, 2011

682. A Moral Dilemma for Alzheimer Spouses - Is it cheating? - May 11/12, 2011

683. Doctors Must Listen to the Caregivers! - Guest blog by member Alan Vann - May 13-15, 2011

684. Missing the Excitement - Sadness at missing exposure to exciting people and ideas at the DC Forum- May 17, 2011

685. My Intellectual Starvation -My husband's cognitive decline has left me with no discussion partner - May 18/19, 2011

686. So Sad - How difficult it must be to live in my husband's world - no memory of what went before or after - May 20-22, 2011

687. Article That Made Me Angry - May 23, 2011

688. The Straw That Broke My Back - May 27, 2011

©Copyright 2011 Joan Gershman










The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.



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