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May 2008 ARCHIVES: 177. Entering the World of AD - Another lesson learned about patience - May 1, 2008 178. Something Different/Something Fun - Try these activities with your spouse - May 2, 2008 179.Dealing with AD Spousal Insults and Taunting- May 5, 2008 180. Ignorance is Bliss? - Are our spouses better off than us because they forget what stressed them ?- May 6, 2008 181. You Are Not Alone - All spouses understand - May 7, 2008 182. Doomed to Develop AD - No more conflicting studies for me!- May 8, 2008 183. An Important Letter to Take to the Airport/Congratulations to Reader Ruth for being named Senior Citizen of the Year for her work on Project Lifesaver - May 9, 2008 184. Long Term Spousal Caregiving - Is the toll too much? - May 10/11,2008 185. Washington DC Bound - On my way to the Alzheimer's Public Policy Forum - May 12/13, 2008 186. Joan and Tony go to Washington - Update - May 15/16, 2008 187. Alzheimer's Disease Emotional Impact on Spouses - The Importance of Raising Awareness - Part I from the DC forum - FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2008 188.Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease (EOAD) - The Silent Disease - Raising Awareness – DC Forum II– MAY 17/18, 2008 189. The Voice of Dementia- A perspective from the other side to help us understand our spouses- DC Forum III - May 19, 2008 190. Marriage, Sexuality, and Alzheimer's Disease - May 20, 2008 191. Possible Drug Trial for Sid - May 21/22, 2008 192. To Be an AD Spouse is a Constant Learning Process - May 23, 2008 193. The New Cell Phone - Who will help me figure it out now that my AD husband can no longer understand the manuals - May 24-26, 2008 194. I am Sinking Into the World of AD - No way out - May 27, 2008 195. Undetected Early Alzheimer's Disease - A cause of divorces? - May 28, 2008 196.FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Lists for Our Spouses - May 29, 2008 197. Someone Stop Me Please!- I'm thinking about getting a dog - May 30, 2008 198. Dog Dilemma Part II - Some serious issues to consider - May 31 - June 1, 2008
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