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April 2008 ARCHIVES:

161. When the Distant Family Members Say You are Doing it All Wrong! - April 1/2, 2008

162. Normal in Public - My husband behaved perfectly in front of old friends and relatives, making me look like a liar - April 9, 2008

163.Joan in Dementialand - HELP! I am surrounded by dementia - April 10, 2008

164.Washington DC - Here We Come - Information on the Alzheimer's Public Policy Forum - I am going to represent all of us.- April 11, 2008

165. A Poem of Communication - A reader's poem about her sadness at the loss of communication with her husband - April 12, 2008

166. Unconventional Solution for the Disappearing Conversation - Online dating for conversation? - April 14, 2008

167.Alzheimer Rage - Understanding the causes of rage that turns your spouse into a different person - April 15, 2008

168. Stories for Washington DC - Send me your stories to bring to Washington - April 17, 2008

169. Doctors Feeding Denial - The doctors who see our spouses for ailments other than Alzheimer's - they don't see them often enough to know what is really going on - April 18, 2008

170. Healing Tears - The value of expressing grief and mourning - April 19/20, 2008

171. The Alzheimer Cure - A tongue in cheek look at a humorous experience that we named "the Alzheimer Cure." - April 21, 2008

172. Announcements - HBO special; Project Lifesaver; Appearance at a conference panel - April 22, 2008

173. The Universal Language of AD Spouses - We understand each other - April 23, 2008

174.Basic Caregiver Tips -What they really mean for spouses - April 24, 2008

175. Lessons from Dr. Teena Cahill's Lecture - making a difference through caregiving - April 26/27, 2008

175, Remembering and Caring for the Positives in Your Spouse - another lesson from Dr. Cahill- April 28/29, 2008

176. Appreciating the Spouse We Have - April 30, 2008


©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman










The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.



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