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March 2008 ARCHIVES:

140. Being Grateful - In spite of all the pain, I am grateful for what I still have with my husband. - March 1/2, 2008

141.Our Reader's Poem on Letting Go - a beautiful poem by a reader who learned to let go of her relationship/ an e-mail from a reader who wishes she spent more time with her now deceased AD husband - March 3/4, 2008

142. Putting the Mental Health of the Spousal Caregiver First - March 5, 2008

143. The Male Spouses of AD Wives - We Salute You - working, learning new household skills, in some cases, bringing up children - their plight and their triumph - March 6, 2008

144. Advice From Our AD Spouses - Whoops! Not Exactly - their difficulty in expression hinders their ability to give opinions and advice - March 7, 2008

145. I Am Someone - Richard Taylor helps us understand how the AD spouse feels - March 8/9, 2008

146. Exercising the Alzheimer Brain - March 10, 2008

147. The Bossy Caregiver Spouse - March 11, 2008

148. The Flip Side of the Bossy Spouse - Enjoying letting someone else take responsibility for a change - March 12, 2008

149. If Our Spouses Were Cured Today - Could we return to the way we were? - March 13/14, 2008

150.I am So Mad at You - But I Don't Remember Why - March 15/16, 2008

151. What to Do About Support Groups - To go or not to go - March 17, 2008

152. Support Groups for the AD Patient - It's important and it's about self-esteem - March 18, 2008

153. It's Different When it's a Spouse - The unique pain of having a spouse with Alzheimer's Disease - March 19, 2008

154. Are We Helping our Spouses to be in Denial? - March 21, 2008

155. Our Fundraiser, Technology Updates, and Website Coming Attractions - March 22/23, 2008

156. Grief -Advice from a reader who recently lost her spouse - March 24, 2008

157. Life After AD - Should you feel guilty thinking about it? - March 25, 2008

158. The Disappearing Conversation - the loneliness of losing conversation with your spouse - March 26, 2008

159.Caregiver Conference Part I - Good News/Bad News - March 28, 2008

160.Caregiver Conference Part II - Anger Management - March 31, 2008


©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman










The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.



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