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Yes, yes, I know. I know. If they remembered that they asked the question, they wouldn’t be asking it again and again and again. I know. But sometimes…………………………..doesn’t it just make you want to pull every hair out of your head?

The expert advice is to smile and answer the question as if it was the first time it was asked. Okay, let the expert come live here and try it. I guess I’m just overstressed, overwrought, and wound too tightly.

Part of the problem here is that my husband WANTS me to tell him that he asked the question yesterday, the day before, and every day before that. He feels it will help him remember. It doesn’t.

So that means the problem is mine. I have to figure a way to deal with those repeated questions, repeated questions, repeated questions. It was suggested to me at one time that I give my husband a 3-ring binder with tabs. On each tab would be written one of the questions that is asked continually. When he asks one of those questions, I should sweetly say, “Why don’t you check the notebook, honey?” All he would have to do is flip open that page, and the answer would be written right there.

It has also been suggested that I – LIGHTEN UP –let his questions roll off of me like water off of a duck’s back , and just answer them.

Looking back on this, I wrote a blog about it last November. Three things have changed since then. His memory has declined; the questions have increased; and my tolerance has decreased.

As I write this, it has me thinking – Why do these repeated questions irritate me so much?  Aren’t we always told – “Don’t sweat the small stuff; Pick your battles; Accept what you cannot change.”  MAYBE I just talked myself into letting this one go. Well, let’s not expect too much of me all at once. I think I’ll give the notebook a try. Who knows? It is possible that will relieve frustration for both of us.

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