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JOAN’S BLOG – TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 – NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS MONTH/ IMPORTANT UPDATES The election is taking up everyone’s time and attention today (as it should), so instead of writing a formal blog, I am going to give you some informative updates. November is going to be a very busy month here at The Alzheimer Spouse website. This month is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Although we discuss awareness raising all year long here on this website, particularly as related to EOAD (Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease), this month gives everyone a chance all over the country to get into the act. Check out the following three articles for more information: November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month Alzheimer’s Awareness Month – What Better Time for a Free Screening? The Alzheimer’s Association is urging everyone to carry, wear, or display something related to Alzheimer’s Disease. With that purpose in mind, I have designed some key chains, a tote bag, t-shirt, and hat in Joan’s Marketplace – some with the purple Alzheimer colors, others without. In addition to it being National Alzheimer’s Awareness month, I will be highlighting 2 special new features for you. The first is a terrific booklet on Finances and Caregivers. You can click this link to read it now, but I will be placing it on the left side of the website in its own section. It was made possible by a grant from the Administration on Aging, as part of the National Education and Resource Center on Women and Retirement Planning. The second is the Holiday Caregiver Tips series. At least each week, and more often if the discussions warrant it, I will be posting a Holiday Caregiver blog on different subjects related to keeping the holidays as calm as possible. Since Thanksgiving is approaching quickly, I will post the first one this week – Stay tuned for – “Assessing Your Spouse’s Level of Functioning BEFORE Doing any Planning”. Wednesday: Denial – Don’t we all have a little of it? ©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman Feedback to
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