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Thanksgiving%20TurkeyJOAN’S THANKSGIVING WEEK BLOG – NOVEMBER 21 -28, 2011

I have followed the advice I have given to all of you. I have prepared, organized, and planned everything down to the last detail for our Thanksgiving trip. For those members who may be traveling this week, please check my Travel Information on the left side of this website. It is chock full of good tips on traveling with a spouse afflicted with Alzheimer’s Disease. In addition, I have arranged for a relative to live in my house and check on my father at the ALF next door while I am away.

Apparently, I have learned from experience. Instead of expecting Sid to help with anything, and getting stressed out when he cannot, I have done all of the packing and preparation myself. He is so physically disabled now that he really cannot do anything anyway. Less expectations = less stress for both of us.

Although my bones and joints are rebelling at leaving sunny, warm Florida for cold, windy Chicago, my heart is full of joy. My sister’s house will be full of relatives, friends, babies, dogs, and my son from California. He and the other relatives, most of whom are familiar with Alzheimer’s Disease on a personal level, will help look after Sid.

My Thanksgiving wish for all of the Alzheimer Spouse Members is to give thanks for something in your lives. No one understands better than I, how difficult that may be, while losing a spouse to Alzheimer’s Disease, but my annual Thanksgiving Blog says it best:

There is no respite from Alzheimer’s Disease, not for those who suffer from it, nor for those of us who care for them. This disease permeates our lives, intrudes upon our joy, destroys our peace of mind, and breaks our hearts over and over again. So what, you may ask, do we have to be thankful for? If we look deep into our lives, each of us has something for which we are able to give thanks. Make your own list, but if any one of these below is on it, be thankful.

Children -Those of you with children have those children’s lives and their future to be thankful for. Their love, their smiles, the help and support they (sometimes) provide – these are the lights in your life that is otherwise encompassed by darkness. This week my arms and shoulders are being given a rest by my son, who will do all of the heavy lifting.

Grandchildren – What a joy are the grandchildren (so I am told) – Play with them; spoil them; love them; and send them home when they fuss. 

Family – Sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers – of course there is strife at times, but if you have the love and support of any one of these family members, be thankful.

A Home – Do you have a comfortable place to live? A bed to sleep in at night? How many millions of people around the world have neither? For our home, we should be thankful.

Food on the table –None for millions of children in the world; Too much for most of us – for this we should be thankful.

The part of our spouse that is still with us – Those of us with spouses who still remember us – we should be thankful and cherish each moment with them.

Memories of a great love – Yes, Alzheimer’s Disease has stolen the loved one we treasured; but to have had that love at all is something to be thankful for.

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with sadness and tears that we forget what is good in our lives. I would ask all of us to take this Thanksgiving break to try and focus on at least one positive aspect of our lives. I hope it will lift us out of our depression for a few bright moments.

I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Keep writing – I will check in on the Message Boards during the week.

It's never too early to read the Holiday Stress Relief Tips.

If you are doing any shopping, please help support this website by shopping through the Amazon links on the right side of the website, my Etsy Scarf shop, and Zazzle. Your support is appreciated.

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©Copyright 2011Joan Gershman 
The Alzheimer Spouse LLC
2010 All Rights Reserved
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The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.           

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