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This seemed an appropriate topic, considering my “off the charts” stress level since Thursday’s Message Board crash. As you know from the posts on the new boards and my e-mails to you, I have spent an incredible amount of time trying to repair the problem. For now, we will be using the temporary boards.

Being married to a spouse with Alzheimer’s Disease places an enormous amount of stress on us, which prompted me to re-post a blog from 3 years ago that offers solutions to handling the stress in our lives. Since that blog was written, my husband has declined, long distance family problems have mounted, financial problems have increased, stabilized, and increased again, and work has multiplied. I am no different from all of you. I am sure your stresses related and unrelated to your spouse with Alzheimer’s Disease have increased, decreased, and increased some more.

In an effort to stop complaining about it, I have pulled up the blog on solutions, updated it, and posted it below:

UPDATE OF JOAN’S BLOG – FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2007 – STRESS!!!!! - MARCH 20/21, 2010

What causes stress to us Caregivers of our AD spouses ? 
EVERYTHING!!!! - Temper tantrums, working, raising children and/or grandchildren while caring for our spouse, relationship deterioration, financial woes, handling ALL of the household duties – cooking, cleaning, caring for spouse, paying bills, being office manager for insurance, medical bills, telephone calls …………..the list is endless, and we’re doing it ALL AT THE SAME TIME! 

A little stressed are we? So how do we relieve the stress??

Some of our readers: 

Lose our tempers – not productive

Eat chocolate – that’s me –Definitely not healthy in the amounts I eat it – not recommended. The “experts” say a LITTLE chocolate, like ONE OR TWO TINY PIECES, is good for you. Who are they kidding? I’ve never stopped at one or two pieces of chocolate in my life!

 Shop– healthy if you have no financial problems; not so good if you’re in a money vacuum.

Smoke –   - Definitely not healthy and not recommended

So what are healthy ways of relieving stress?
Exercise– I TRY to work out 3 times a week at the gym – it makes me feel good; takes away the arthritic aches and pains; and does relieve the stress for awhile. No money for a gym membership? – Take a walk. - It’s never too early to get in shape for the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk!
Take (steal) some time for yourself and bury your head in a good book.
Vent on our message boards.
Find a hobby – One of our readers told me that designing web sites is her hobby – she should take a trip down here – I’ll have plenty for her to do.
Take a luxurious bubble bath.
Get a massage – If money is an issue (isn’t it always?), ask a friend or a grandchild to rub your shoulders and neck for ½ an hour.
My Choice for #1 Stress Reliever -  GIRL’S/GUY’S DAY OUT. Nothing makes me feel better than when I get away from the house and hubby for an afternoon out with the “girls” – particularly the ones from my support group.  We complain, laugh, give each other advice, and just have a good old time for ourselves.  You guy spouses can go fishing, golfing, or to a sports game (or whatever you guys like to do) with a few friends.  I have to amend this one. In the 3 years since this was written, my needs have changed. I need to get away from Alzheimer’s Disease to de-stress. An escapism type book, a lounge chair at the pool, and a dip in the water for an entire afternoon is now my best stress reliever.
See your doctor if the stress becomes unmanageable. You and he/she can decide together if medication is needed. As I found out when I tried to reduce my Zoloft dosage, if it works, USE IT.

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©Copyright 2010 Joan Gershman 
The Alzheimer Spouse LLC
2010 All Rights Reserved                                   
Under penalty of copyright laws, this information cannot be copied or posted on any website, media, or print outlet, without referencing the author and website from which it was taken.





The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.           

The Alzheimer Spouse LLC 2009 All Rights Reserved        












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