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America first celebrated Labor Day on September 5, 1882. Congress made Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. It honors the American worker, the worker who gets up every day, commutes to a job, and gets paid for their work. I have decided to expand Labor Day to honor all CAREGIVERS who get up every day, work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in their own home, caring for a loved one with a debilitating disease, for NO PAY. Who exemplifies “work” more than the caregiver, whose work goes unnoticed, unglorified, misunderstood, and basically ignored by all but the closest friends and relatives? Who deserves a break, a respite from unending labor more than you, the caregiver?

If it is at all possible, I hope each and every one of you can call a friend or relative this weekend, and ask for a couple of hours of their time to watch your loved one, so you can take a breather, a rest from your “work”. Go to a movie. Go out to lunch. Sit on the porch at a friend’s house. Celebrate “Labor Day” as it was intended – for the worker to take a day off from their labor.

My own plans include more unpacking and setting up the new house. Sid is trying, but physically and mentally, he is not able to do much, so I am totally exhausted from all of the work. Therefore, on Monday, Sid and I are going to the movies and dinner with friends. If I protest that I have to finish the house, they are going to come here and drag me out.

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©Copyright 2009 Joan Gershman 
The Alzheimer Spouse LLC
2009 All Rights Reserved 

























































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