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This caregiver is guilty of every neglectful behavior that she warns others against. I indulge in stressful over eating; I have not had a major invasive medical test since before I moved to Florida 3 years ago; and I am trying to do so much in my life that I cannot keep up with all of it.

It is no wonder that one day I woke up and realized that so many parts of my body are falling apart, that I could support every medical specialty for the next year. I thought – Who should I see first? The orthopedic, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, psychologist, or fatologist ? (I made that one up, but it’s an important one) Did I leave anyone out?

I decided to start with the gatekeeper, and went to see my primary care doctor this week. He is also Sid’s primary, and is well aware of the stress I am under. He is the one who prescribed the Xanax and Zoloft for me. Since I don’t need any more aggravation in my life, I am grateful that he does not scold, lecture, or berate me for weight that is out of control. Let’s face it, if I could control it, I would have been a size 6 for the past 40 years, and he knows it. He also knows that I am one of the “stress eaters” rather then the “stress non-eaters”, for which he said he has no solution. That makes two of us. However, all of his prescribed pills seem to be keeping the blood pressure under control, which is a major miracle of modern medicine.

It was my decision to start with what hurts the most, so I have a knee MRI scheduled for next week. He has also ordered an EKG, echocardiogram, and stress test. If I make it through all those without needing surgery, I will then start on the rest of the “ologists”, one at a time. All of my friends have done well on , so at least I will have company when I try that venture.

My cousin once compared my body to a car. She said – “Would you expect a 1948 Chevy to still be running in perfect condition without having had regular maintenance and all of its worn out, rusty parts repaired or replaced?” Well, when you put it that way……………….

We are so busy giving care to our spouses that we neglect ourselves. I am the biggest offender. Not only will we be unable to care for our spouses if we are ill and infirm, but if we do not attend to our own health maintenance, we will be unable to live a decent life for ourselves when our AD journey is over,

Join me, everyone. Call those “ologists” and let’s get healthy. Or at least healthier.

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©Copyright 2009 Joan Gershman

























































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