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JOAN’S WEEKEND BLOG – MARCH 22/23, 2008 – OUR SATURDAY FUNDRAISER, TECHNOLOGY UDATES, AND COMING ATTRACTIONS. Between all the website technical problems and our Alzheimer’s Fundraiser on Saturday, I have been non-stop busy, and MY FEET HURT. One of the things I learned about fundraising, is that people are more inclined to pay attention and donate when you are STANDING by the table in front of the supermarket, rather than SITTING in the chairs by the table. Since my husband has diabetic neuropathy and cannot stand on his feet for more than a couple of minutes, I pulled standing duty. One of the truisms about Alzheimer’s Disease that I already knew, but was reinforced on Saturday, was that it consists of no more than two degrees of separation. Which simply means that no matter who you meet, they either know someone who has Alzheimer’s Disease, or know someone who knows someone who has Alzheimer’s Disease. So many people who donated told us – “My husband, my mother, my YOUNG (35 years old) friend, has Alzheimer’s Disease.” They thanked us for being there. I thank all of you who donated to help end this horrendous disease. NOW ON TO THE SUBJECT OF MY TECHNICAL PROBLEMS: . Neither my techno advisor son nor I know what is continuing to go wrong with the software. Most likely it is something I did without realizing I did it. I once again must ask for your patience and understanding if you log on, and the website looks strange, or it is not updated. We are working on it, and we will get it fixed as soon as he figures out what I did wrong. RECENT ADDITIONS AND COMING ATTRACTIONS: I am always looking for improvements and services that will benefit you. The most recent additions to the site have been the Amazon and Alzheimer Stores. I am particularly pleased about the Alzheimer’s Store. It has an amazing variety of products that help ease the burden of caregiving. Please CLICK on and take a look at what they have to offer. I am sure you will be as surprised and pleased as I was. The Amazon store carries not only books, but most everything Amazon offers. FEATURED BOOK SELECTION: - I will continue to feature different Alzheimer Books each week that I have read and recommend. Please send me your recommendations for Alzheimer books, and I will feature them. CAREGIVING TIPS: - Although the focus of this website has always been, and will continue to be, the emotions and issues faced by spouses, we ARE caregivers. We could use any and all good caregiving tips, so I am planning on adding such a section. E-mail me any good tips that have worked for you.
And finally, my wishes for a Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate the holiday, and a quiet, peaceful Sunday to those of you who do not. Feedback to
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