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Hello everyone. If you are reading this Monday morning, I am on way to Washington DC for the Alzheimer’s Public Policy Forum. The 3-day schedule is jam packed with receptions, workshops, and congressional meetings.

Although the main purpose of this forum, as I understand it, is to lobby for more money for Alzheimer’s research and programs, it is my hope to bring awareness about the emotional impact Alzheimer’s Disease has on family caregivers, particularly spouses.  We need money for research, yes, but we need money for respite programs, Day Care programs, and home care, and we need it desperately. I’m hoping to melt cold hearts and loosen tight purse strings with our stories of emotional devastation.

Most people, including politicians, do not understand the true nature of Alzheimer’s Disease. It is my impression that those who have not been caregivers, think the Alzheimer patient’s memory simply fades away. They have no idea of the personality changes, mood swings, confusion, hallucinations, rages, and fear suffered by an Alzheimer patient. They have no idea of how destructive those changes are to families and spouses. If they knew; if they experienced it, do you not think the money would be available for the programs we need?  It is my desire that the stories I bring from this website will enlighten the uninformed. Wish me luck on the trip – and Tony too – who I have plans to meet.

I am not bringing a laptop with me (the laptop in this house belongs to Sid, and he’s not giving it up), so my Internet access will be limited. I will check in as often as I can, and Joel will post any updates I write.

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