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JOAN’S BLOG – TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2009 –CONNECTED CONVERSATIONS While things are quiet and peaceful in my house (see blog below), I thought I would take this opportunity to inform everyone of an intriguing looking educational series. I liked the idea of this one because no computer is needed. The series is via telephone, so please spread the word to those who are not computer savvy. From the : "Connected Conversations: A Telephone Education Program What is the Connected Connected Conversations is a telephone Who is Anyone who may be interested in What can I expect? The Connected Conversations Program will cover a variety of topics weekly. Every Thursday, during the hours of 1-2 PM, a different topic will be discussed. Each topic discussion will last approximately one hour with an expert discussing the specific topic. The discussion will be interactive, allowing for each participant to ask questions, provide comments, and/or relay concerns during the call. What should I do first? Join us on Dial Enter the access code number:
Upcoming Topics to start out 2009 Alzheimer’s disease: Life after Diagnosis: Understanding Communications & Finding Appropriate Residential Care: Healthy Brain Aging: Brain Aerobics: Sounds interesting. I am going to put them on my calendar and listen to the ones that do not conflict with other activities on my schedule. I hope you will too. Feedback to
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