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Well this has been quite a week, hasn’t it?  I hope I never see a repeat of all that fury . Although since I am dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease, I know it will come again. For those of you reading this website for the first time, please scroll down to the most recent Blogs on this page, and you will learn just how volatile the driving issue can be, and what we have been through because of it.

I HOPE to have a break from all of this stress this weekend, but the smallest incidents set my husband off. I never before questioned “Why me?” or “Why us?” in relation to this disease. I have always felt – it happens to millions of others, so why would we be excluded?  But the horror of this week has me asking what I ever did in my simple life to deserve having to endure such rage-filled, vengeful behavior.

But I do need a break, so I am taking time out to give you some exciting updates:

1.HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY TO THEALZHEIMERSPOUSE.COM!!! – Monday, July 14th is the first anniversary of this website. Look for a special blog on that day.

 2. Patrick Toal, the geriatric social worker/travel agent of the Caregiver Cruises is coming to visit this week, and what a busy week we have planned. He will be accompanying us to our support group; we will be taking him out to lunch; we will be attending a Fearless Caregiver Conference; and we will be having a party at the end of the week at my house.

3.The Fearless Caregiver Conference in Boynton Beach, FL on Wednesday, July 16th – I will bring you any pertinent information gleaned from it.

4.More new side topics are coming – I’m still working on Caregiver Tips; one on strategies for diffusing violent episodes; sharing pictures.

 5.My CBS radio interview – If you are in the Pittsburgh area – TUNE IN TO WDSY, WBZW, and WZPT ON SUNDAY MORNING AT 6:15 AM– a link to listen to it should be up on the website soon. 

I wish you as stress-free a weekend as possible.

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The material included on this website contains general information intended as information only. This site is not intended to provide personal, professional, medical, or psychological advice, and should not be relied upon to govern behavior in any certain or particular circumstances. The opinions in the blogs are solely those of the owner of the website. The opinions on the message boards are not necessarily endorsed by the owner of this website, and are the opinions of those persons writing the messages. All material on this web site is for demonstration and informational purposes only.



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