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I am overwhelmed and grateful for all of the wise and thoughtful replies you wrote on the Message Boards in response to yesterday’s blog (see below) about happiness and Alzheimer’s Disease.  I can never be sure how my blogs are going to be received. Sometimes I write something that I think is relevant, and no one responds. At other times, I write something that I need to get off of my chest, but do not think anyone will be particularly interested in, and the messages come fast and furious. But yesterday’s multitude of responses to the “happiness” blog were as intelligently stated and deeply felt as any I have seen on these boards.

Last September, I wrote a blog titled – Can Anything Positive Come out of this AD journey? In it, I talked about AD forcing us to find inner strength and learn to do physical and mental tasks that we never thought we could do. Thanks to your writings from yesterday, I would like to add WISDOM  to the list.

In your WISDOM, you have learned that although you do not have the life you planned, and the hand you have been dealt is fraught with pain, you try to appreciate the small pleasures in life – maybe just sunsets and flowers. You have learned to find joy in what your spouse CAN do, even if it is a simple smile. You have learned that life is meant to be LIVED, and you will not let Alzheimer’s Disease take that away from you. You have tried to make lives for yourselves that give you pleasure, whether it is working, quilting, gardening, AD advocacy, scrapbooking, or reading.

You made me see that although Alzheimer’s Disease has destroyed the happiness I once had, it is up to me to find happiness in what I still have. As one of you mentioned, given the nature of the disease, I should enjoy what we can still do together, because tomorrow it may not be possible.

I also agree with one of our members who said that we will experience happiness again, but never as we have known it before.

This disease is the most difficult challenge life has thrown in my path. I could have done without it, but I am going to be one wise, competent, strong little old lady when it is finished with me.

I checked my e-mail after writing this blog, and received this from one of our members. Please click and enjoy. It will make your day. 

If you would like to order the uplifting book, The Secret, that Kitty mentioned on the Message Boards, please click here.

©Copyright 2008 Joan Gershman

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