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This Blog was prompted by discussions and questions on the Message Boards, e-mail, and conflicting medical reports related to anesthesia  and its effects on patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.

The most frequently asked questions are: Does anesthesia ADVANCE THE PROGRESSION of AD in an already diagnosed patient? Does anesthesia CAUSE Alzheimer’s Disease in previously symptom free patients? Does anesthesia “TRIGGER” dormant Alzheimer’s Disease/dementia? Does anesthesia cause short-term dementia/confusion in healthy patients? There are many anecdotal reports by caregivers and patients alike, as well as some medical studies, that answer YES to all of these questions. On the other hand, there are doctors and medical studies that refute all of it. Were you expecting something easy, cut and dried?

Through the research I have done, and a story of my own experience with anesthesia, I am going to give you information and links. My suggestion would be to research on your own, ask questions of your doctor and anesthesiologist, then follow your instincts and make your own decisions concerning surgery and anesthesia for your AD spouse.

In June of 2003, Paula k. Ogrocki, Phd, Assistant Professor at the University Memory and Aging Center, School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, answers There are no additional risks of anesthesia, however it is important to know that there may be a prolonged recovery time.”  Click here for article.

In August, 2007, acccording to David Q. Beversdorf, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobehavior and Neurology of the Memory Disorders Clinic at the College of Medicine at Ohio State University, anesthesia does increase the risk of progression of dementia, as well as high incidence of postoperative delirium.” Click here for article.

The difference in answers may be due to more current research and understanding of how anesthesia affects Alzheimer’s patients.

An article dated February, 2007, discusses research that suggests some types of anesthesia may trigger changes in the brain that could “produce Alzheimer-like changes in the brain.” This is not to panic everyone into refusing surgery for fear of developing Alzheimer’s Disease – this is a preliminary study - I am just passing along information. Click here for complete article.

Most professionals seem to believe that the post operative appearance of cognitive decline in Alzheimer patients is due to a complex series of events, not just the anesthesia. Pain, pain medication, overall stress of surgery, and change in normal routine, to name a few. Click here for comprehensive article on this subject.

Click here for article on the link between prior brain injury and Alzheimer’s Disease.

I hope these links help to answer some of your questions, and put you on the path to your own research.

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